Sempre Forte

“The act of painting is about one heart telling another heart where he found salvation.” -Francisco Goya

Que será, será

Sarya Aslan

Crystal | Goblin

Age: ~3000 twelvemoons old ; Born in the Fifth Umbral Era*
Race: Miqo'te*
Height: 58.9 ilms (4fulms 9ilms)
Weight: 120 ponze
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Sex: Female
Notable Marks:
⁂ A scar on her right cheek.
⁂ Slight heterochromia (Amber (right)/Honeygold (left))
⁂ Fangs with a slight overbite
⁂ Downward facing ears
⁂ White freckles spotted along her body.
⁂ A lion's tail and sandy highlights to match.
⁂ Alabaster Skin and Hair

“È sempre più forte di me. Lo è sempre stato. Perché a lui basta una parola per farmi male. Anzi, anche meno: una parola non detta, un silenzio, una pausa. Uno sguardo rivolto altrove. Io posso sbraitare e dimenarmi per ore, passare alle ingiurie, mentre a lui per stendermi basta una piccola smorfia, fatta con un angolo del labbro.” --Fabio Volo

“He is always stronger than me. It always has been. Because a word is enough for him to hurt me. Indeed, even less: an unspoken word, a silence, a pause. A look away. I can yell and squirm for hours, go on to insults, while a small grimace made with a corner of the lip is enough for him to knock me down.” --Fabio Volo

Those marked with an asterisk will need to be discussed OOC before IC engagement.

A daughter of Halone and a Seeker of The Sun.

Sarya has always been in opposition with herself and her clan - her auspicious eyes barely keeping her from being an outcast. Want a way to quickly get her fired up? Of course you do; tease her about her familial relations and buddy, you've signed up for a ride.

An Outcast

Sarya abandoned her clan and found refuge in a small tribe who had political ties to a much more powerful adjacent, Seeker tribe. Being a "woman of action", politics bore her, so she never heeded to the swaying tides that would soon affect her. She simply was interested in fighting and challenging those who opposed her strength -- using her smaller figure as a ploy to entrap those who thought her an easy opponent. Fighting in her odd style always bore her many injuries, but none that she couldn't shake off. A testament to that is a singular scar located on her right cheek -- the rest of her body unmarred. Being an outcast, she learned how to soothe her own wounds with magick -- all manner of healing -- she hones to this day.

A Warrior

Her reputation as a ferocious opponent spread through not only her tribe, but to adjacent clans as well. Her reputation, as well as her peculiar approach to battle, took the notice of a powerful Nunh in a tribe located north of her own. He quickly propositioned her to join his harem, boasting of his expansive properties and conquests (land, gil, women). Needless to say, she was not interested. Privy to the fact that no matter her win or loss, he would find a way to have her -- but had no other option to fight -- she fought ruthlessly. Though even a victory sentenced her to captivity, a loss would both diminish her pride and ability to flee.With her victory giving her the low fortuity for an evasive escape, she incited a plan using the Age of Endless Frost as a catalyst for her decamp after the betrothal.Now trekking across new lands, she constantly watches the shadows, checks the doors, spies for exits for any trace of the Nuhn or his goons.

A Remnant*

Each new Era brought her closer and closer to seclusion as she mastered various ways to hunt and survive, bringing about her air of detachment and lack of social etiquette.That is until the end of the end of the Fifth Astral Era. Multiple events eventually lead her back to society and piqued her interest for the newfound discoveries dotting this era. Since then, she's discovered an affinity to white magic in her dealings with the Amdapor, her skills keeping her safe in the waking turmoil of the Sixth Astral Era when practitioners of white magic were hunted by the Mhachi people.Those distant times only glimpsed in the form of a rare dance across her eyes when piqued by certain questions. Her mask of obscurity adorned infallibly. She is, now, a woman of this time and acts accordingly.

A Newfound Adventure

Now, you can find Sarya enjoying all forms of social interaction. Though it is clear that her years of seclusion reflect in her aloof personality. Her interest piqued, however, blossoms her into a warm and mischievous tease.Sarya is a notable businesswoman who owned the successful venue Fairy Tale Lounge, and dabbled in other establishments before reaching her era of 'retirement'. As such, she has learned many tools and tricks of the trade, though good luck trying to reprise a conversation of such matters. She simply is enjoying her freedom from the constant political answers being "known" in Eorzea afforded her. You may approach her about a possible business deal, but be prepared for her insatiable questions.You can also occasionally see her being a general flirt on stage at various locations -- rouse her from the usual monotonous interactions and she /might/ allow a private booking outside of hours. Nothing brings her more joy than a lively interaction that sets the stage for night of debauchery.

Egid Quirin Asam and Cosmas Damian Asam, The Assumption of the Virgin, 1722-1723. Marble, stucco and gilding. Church of the Assumption, Rohr, Bavaria.

Post-Dawntrail Sarya

Pre-Dawntrail Sarya

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Baldachin, ordered in 1624 by Urban VIII. St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican.

<To be written>


To be written...

Moreau, Gustave, Jupiter und Semele, 1896.

Parsnip Erba

Crystal | Malboro

Age: 23 twelvemoons; 15th Sun of the First Astral Moon
Guardian: Althyk, The Keeper
Race: Miqo'te
Height: 64 ilms (5fulms 4ilms)
Weight: 140 ponze
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Sex: Female
Notable Marks:
⁂ Symmetrical scarring on her bottom lip from her fangs
⁂ Piercing hazel eyes
⁂ A fox-like curvature of her ears and tail
⁂ Statuesque
⁂ Spectacles (She's blind as a bat), (does not wear them all the time, be prepared to catch or move whole pieces of furniture from her path).

“...And, though she be but little, she is fierce.” --William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

Those marked with an asterisk will need to be discussed OOC before IC engagement.

An Apprentice Scholar

A more recent decision: to take on the role of scholar. To prepare her brain for any situation to come. Parsnip can be quite literal: a passerby stating that the "pen is mightier than the sword" started her path to the Arrzaneth Ossuary where she happened to meet a particular Xaela with a newfound passion for voidmagic*, leaving her tradecraft behind.


Color and culture combine with this Thav -- as seen in her tanned skin and adorned attire. She feels the call of her home isle, the Bounty's ebb and flow lulling her to a restful night. Sweet spices, sweltering heat, and bountiful food bring a glint to Parsnip's eye.Born and raised as a merchant on the port of Yedlihmad, Parsnip has a penchant for seeking out unique things... and people. She's used to the trek to Alnair for better wares, seeking out hiking in Eorzea when she wants to reminisce about home.

House Daemir

A novice practitioner following the ideology of House Daemir, Parsnip turned to the thaumaturges of Eorzea for deeper knowledge on the Epiphanies of House Daemir*. The taboo topic of voidmagic leading her to seek out those who she could easily hide from if the information and research went awry -- natives of Eorzea.





Amra Shaharat

Dynamis | Marilith

Age: 28 twelvemoons
Race: Miqo'te
Height: 58.9 ilms (4fulms 9ilms)
Weight: 142 ponze
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Sex: Female
Positional Preference: Switch
Notable Marks:
⁂ Bronze/Golden Skin
⁂ A scar situated across the bridge of her nose
⁂ White freckles in a familiar shape spotted along her body.
⁂ Kinky, shoulder-length hair
⁂ Peets

“A taste for simplicity cannot endure for long.” -Eugène Delacroix⁂

Amra is just a pretty face -- I do not RP with her. I just like looking at this vixen, sue me.











Brother Nokter, Plan of the Abbey Church of Saint Gall, Switzerland, 1770, Stiftsarchiv St. Gallen

Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Baldachin, ordered in 1624 by Urban VIII. St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican.

No current RP bonds!


To be filled...

Peter Paul Rubens, Elevation of the Cross, 1610. Saint Walburga

So, you're interested in me too, eh?You can call me Sar or Tal (Talungya), those that know my real name know I am not comfortable with most knowing it, so don't ask.Please do not flirt with me OOC, it will be quickly and effortlessly dismissed. I am a mother of two special girls named Nutmeg (top) and Smurfette (bottom)!I am a PhD student and am always carving magic bean juice. These eye bags are, indeed, designer. What am I studying? Chemistry -- I specifically am interested in Organic Chemistry. Yes, your disgust or awe is noted.I am relatively knew to this roleplaying thing, making real headway through this MMO! I did dabble with GaiaOnline and PSO, but nothing too serious to the extent I have here. I have been in this scene for around 6 years now and am enjoying all it has offered to me so far -- thank you everyone who has made FFRP a safe and amazing experience thus far.I made my presence known through Fairy Tale Lounge and as such that is my home/connection to the roleplaying scene in FF. I was also a co-owner to Dualism and work at various RP venues throughout the week! If you're interested in either my gposing or housing services, feel free to message me! My discord stays on DND (do not disturb) because I don't like the pings) but my DMs are always open.